Dear Friend!

You are invited to the Inauguration Ceremony of
National President of JCI Russia 2022,
Local Presidents and the President of JCI Russia Senate!

Dress code: Black tie

The Inauguration will take place in a picturesque historical Glukhovsky mansion.

The mansion was built in the classical style in 1810. It is a two-story brick building with a mezzanine.

The mansion preserve its original features to this day. Despite frequent changes of owners and some alterations, the exterior of the mansion has remained unchanged.
Some fragments of the interiors remain till this days as well as in the rooms of the dress circle there is a part of the decoration of the XIX century. The mansion of A. I. Glukhovsky is an architectural monument and is protected by the state.

During the XIX century, the mansion changed many owners. Among them was the Neapolitan Consul Radi.
In the 1890s, the land plot and the mansion were acquired by Lieutenant General A. I. Glukhovsky, after whom the mansion got its name. Since 1907, the Board of the Society of the Iron Rolling and Wire Plant has been located here.

The Fee
until 20 of January 2022
JCI member/ non JCI member
120 / 180

until 27 of January 2022
JCI member/ non JCI member
190 / 290

Payment via PayPal to
Additional Program:

Welcome dinner on January 28
Sightseeing around the city
Russian classic ballet

Paid extra on the spot
Additional Program:

Welcome dinner on January 28
Sightseeing around the city
Russian classic ballet

Paid extra on the spot